SportDOG Field Trainer 425 Review

SportDog Field Trainer SD-425

Teaching a puppy to walk when leased is an important activity. It exercises him, increases his responsiveness and obedience. The major factors that you should consider are patience and consistency. Using a SportDOG Field Trainer 425 entails the following stages.

1. Familiarizing a Puppy with a leash and a Collar

• Be patient: Patience is crucial when leas training a puppy. Proper training should involve consistent, calm and confident practice with your pet.• Give treat rewards: The puppy needs to be rewarded with small and tasty treats. They should be quick enough to prevent him from being distracted during training. You can also reward his positive behavior by playing tug-of-war with him. Alternatively, you can use the clicker training method where you making consistent clicks when he is right and reward him with a treat when he pleases you.• Select a leash and collar: In the beginning, it is advisable to use a light leash and a flat light collar to make him accustomed to having his neck tied. Avoid using choker collars especially when he is small and timid.• Acclimatize the puppy to the collar: It is normal for puppies to get nervous when leashing them for the first time. Some may try to chew on the leash or throw tantrums. You can apply the following strategies if he dislikes the collar.-Distract him. Try attaching the collar when he is in the yard or while playing with him.-Reward him. Give him one of his favorite toys immediately after putting the collar on.-Loosen the collar. It should comfortably fit him without being too tight or loose.• Fix the leash: Some dogs go berserk while others remain immobile. When you attach the leash for the first time, drop the free end on the ground and allow him to run around. You could play with him or introduce him to other dogs and allow them to play together while the leash is dragged. Ensure that the puppy doesn’t get entangled. Regularly pick the leash and call him. When he approaches you, reward him with dog treats.

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2. Leash Training Your Puppy

It is vital especially if you don’t know how to stop a dog from running away when off leash. Puppies are usually not used to being leashed. At first, they might be aggressive when you try to fit a collar round their neck. You should be calm, gentle and patience as a dog would first need to get accustomed to being leashed for you to train him. 

Consider the following factors when leash training him:

Create a quiet environment: Most dogs often get excited when they see a leash and they often spin, bark or whine. Remain calm while holding the leash until he relaxes. Take short walks which will make the dog calm down and begin following youHave some treats nearby: You should always carry several small ad chewable treats for your dog in each training session. If they are large and hard to chew, they could interrupt the leash training. Ideal treats include tiny pieces of cheese and chunks of hot dogs. Be patient and comforting: If the dog is nervous, bend down and fondle him gently. Offer several treats when walking and give him time to get used to the leash. You should not reward bad habits but instead you should handle your pets using simple and effective methods. Avoid being upset so as not to frighten him. Address bad behavior: You can stop it by addressing it each time it occurs. Do not get angry and hit or yell at the dog. The following bad behaviors could occur once in a while. -Pulling the leash. You should stop walking and remain still. Don’t pull back the leash to teach the dog that it won’t move even if he pulls it. Call the puppy and reward him with a treat when he responds positively. He will eventually learn not to pull the leash.-Sitting or lying down. When the dog resists walking, take several backwards steps and call him as you offer a treat. Continue walking until he resists again and move backwards again. Remain calm and consistent to making him enjoy walking when being leashed. Be consistent: Properly communicate expectations to your dog. When you consistently reward good behavior, he will eventually stop bad behavior. If you are inconsistent, the puppy won’t know what you want.

SportDog SD-425 Manual 

You should read these training tips and watch the DVD before training your dog with this product.-Stop on bad behavior and teach one command at a time. Training the dog fast could end up confusing him.-Give the dog stimulation, vibration or tone whenever he misbehaves.-Avoid overcorrecting the puppy by using little stimulation.-Use the Sportdog 425 for applying stimulation, tone or vibration.-If you notice a scenario in which the dog misbehaves constantly, set it up as a training session. It will increase your chances of succeeding.-Don’t panic if the dog negatively reacts to the stimulation, tone or vibration.

-Avoid using the SportDog Field Trainer 425S or 425 to correct aggressive behavior. You should consult a certified dog trainer immediately your pet exhibits it. Aggression could be due to fear or it could be an acquired behavior. It could also be as a result of social dominance since each dog is different. You may now use the Sportdog trainer after changing its mode.

SportDog Field Trainer collar reviews

SportDog 425 vs  Garmin Delta XC 

Garmin XC is more expensive than SportDog trainer. It has LCD screens, side buttons, vibration, tone and front buttons for correction levels. The lithium-ion batteries are expandable to up to three dogs. It has a 0.75 mile range where as SportDog has a 500 yard range.

Sportdog Field Trainer 425 Shock Collar

It is an advanced waterproof collar that is suitable for new and experienced dog trainers.

It is sold at $170 and it is shipped to a client within two days after placing an order.


  • checkThe Field Trainer is ideal for dogs weighing more than 8 pounds and those with a moderate temperament.
  • check

    There are 7 stimulation levels, a tone and vibration that can be instantly switched.

  • checkSportDog features a 500 yard range that is expandable for up to three dogs without losing its efficiency.
  • checkThe SD-425 system uses a 2 hour battery that can last for more than 60 hours depending on its usage frequency.


  • banSome dogs might resist it.

Why You will Choose SportDog Field Trainer 425 ?

SportDOG Field Trainer 425 is an affordable and efficient training tool. It has unique features which are only found in expensive training collars. The manual guide has clear instructions on how to use it, maintain it and to safely dispose old batteries.

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