How to Keep Your Dog From Running Away ~ Most Effective Tips

How to Keep Your Dog From Running Away

Most dog owners keep their dogs in shelters. They are usually worried about their dogs running away and never coming back home. A stray dog could get stolen, attacked by an animal, or hit by a speeding car. There are several reasons why a dog would run away from home. We have found some new things about how to keep your dog from running away. They are:

Searching for a mate: Many male dogs roam when they look for a potential mate.

Being bored: If a dog is not given the freedom to run within the compound, it could easily get boring and run away from home.

Passion for running: Some dogs love running. They should be given some time to enjoy themselves.

How To Stop a Dog From Running Out The Door

There are three steps through which one can stop their dog from escaping;

1. Knowing what causes a dog to run away

A dog’s escaping behavior can be due to one or several causes.

It could be due to boredom, mistreatment or lack of adequate training.

how to stop a dog from running out the door

2. Ensuring that a dog is safe and comfortable

The following measures help in making dogs comfortable.

Providing comfortable bedding to dogs: Kennels should be free from drafts. Dogs should be provided with clean water and a balanced diet.

  • Bonding with dogs: This can be achieved by playing games with a dog or having long walks together. It enhances a dog’s well-being as well as builds trust between it and its owner. Through walks, dogs are able to interact with other dogs.
  • Having regular training sessions: It boosts a dog’s physical stimulation and strengthens the bond it shares with its owner.
  • Securing the compound: Loopholes in fences should completely helps in preventing a dog from being tempted to escape.

​​​3. Addressing the actual cause of a dog’s roaming behavior

After identifying what is causing a dog to run away from home, one can eliminate any visible distractors, desensitize the dog to what makes it escape and to control the area adjacent to the yard.

Seresto flea and tick collar help you in controlling flea and tick infestation. It is specially created to repel these parasites on contact. There are two active ingredients; flumethrin and imidacloprid. Flumethrin kills nymphs, larvae, and ticks whereas imidacloprid minimizes flea infestation. Both ingredients work together to offer insect-proof protection. Most veterinarians recommend it for dogs older than seven weeks. It is a user-friendly collar that is adjustable, non-greasy, and quick to release. There are visibility reflectors that enhance security when using it. It has a waterproof formula that ensures it remains efficient for up to eight months even after the dog baths or swims.

What Makes a Dog not come inside When Called?

There are several things that could make a dog roam near the house and not come inside when being called.

  • It is a new dog: The dog might not have been in a house before. It could have been used to staying outdoors hence being fond of staying within a home’s vicinity. One needs to develop trust in it.
  • The dog is an independent breed such as hounds: It could have been bred to stay away from its owners and to make independent decisions. This makes it spend most of its time outdoors.
  • He is thrilled by the environment: There could be birds that he likes chasing around.
  • The dog likes taking guard duty: It will spend a lot of time scrutinizing and barking at strangers. Locking him inside could frustrate him.
  • A dog could be having poor memory: It might not have been properly trained when it is called. It might have also been punished in the past after being called hence making it scary.

How to Train a Dog to Come When Called

Training dogs is essential as it improves their behavior and safety. Dogs that respond when called should be rewarded and given more freedom. One should consider the following for the training to be successful.

1. Having the proper mindset

One should research on the traits of a particular dog breed, its strengths and weaknesses. The following tips should be followed when creating a good trainer mindset.

  • Being in a good mood: Dogs can easily detect the mood in which a person is. One should strive to display positive emotions as they directly affect dogs.
  • Ensuring that a dog has mastered one step before proceeding to the next one: A step should be repeated severally so that a dog becomes consistent in it.
  • Having short and regular sessions: Dogs have short attention periods. Long intensive training sessions cause frustration.
  • Accepting a dog’s failures: There are instances where a dog could make mistakes especially when it is taught new things, if it notices that a trainer is disappointed after it has made mistakes, it could lose confidence.
  • Don’t punish a dog after it obeys a command: If a person commands a dog to undertake a certain task and he calls it suddenly, the dog should not be called if it comes. This will make it understand that it does not get called to be punished.

2. Choosing the right location

The location chosen for training should be one which the dog is familiar with. Distractions such as children, noises, food, and animals should not be present. This enables a dog to focus on the trainer and to various commands being given.

3. Leash the dog

During initial training sessions, the dog should always be leashed. This keeps it focused on the trainer. A 6-7 foot leash keeps the trainer present in the dog’s field of vision. One should stand a short distance away so that the dog doesn’t reach her within two steps. The distance from a small dog should be two feet while that from a large dog should be six feet.

4. how to teach your dog to walk backward 

Call the dog and take backward steps By this time, the dog will be fond of you and it will chase you when you move away from him. Issue the command once before you start moving. it enables a dog to associate a call with the act of approaching you. If the dog doesn’t respond immediately, tug the leash slightly as an encouragement for him to approach you.

5. Move backward until the dog reaches where you are

This can be achieved by backpedaling constantly. You can click as the dog approaches in order to reinforce his direction and behavior until he reaches you. Once this is achieved, more distance and distractions can be added without overwhelming the dog.

How to Catch a Dog That Runs Away

Catching a stray dog can be a tricky ordeal. One should be cautious especially if he isn’t familiar with the dog. The first thing one should do is observing the body language displayed by the should be done from a distance. If the dog is erratic, he could be infected with rabies and if he growls, he could be aggressive. This helps in deciding whether the dog can be caught or not.

Final Tips

In this content, we have tried to give the solution on How to Keep Your Dog From Running Away?  When training dogs, patience and tolerance are essential. A dog that masters the various skills that it is being taught need to be rewarded so as to get encouraged.


Emma Megan is A passionate review blogger! Editor at Reviewsseekers, and a regular author at Forbes & HuffingtonPost! Check out his latest post about best dog vest

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