Dog Odors Stressing You Out? Use These Tips to Knock Out Problem Pet Odors

Having a dog can bring you joy, but owning a pup can also mean dealing with persistent pet odors inside your home. Whether you are a new pet parent or struggling with a smelly dog, here are some tips to keep your home, and your dog, smelling fresh.

how to get rid of pet odor in house

Check out these pet-friendly tips to learn more about How to Get Rid of Pet Odors in Your House

Stock Your Home with Vinegar to Eliminate Smells

Did you know that vinegar can solve many of your pet odor problems? It’s one of the most effective and inexpensive tricks for neutralizing and cleaning carpet odors without having to pay for a professional carpet cleaning; 

Then, head out and grab a few bottles of white and apple cider vinegar to keep on hand to keep your home clean. You may want to pick up some empty spray bottles as well since you can also use vinegar to freshen the air in your home. Odors from your dog can get trapped in your home’s air, and you may not even notice them anymore. However, a few sprays of a vinegar solution will have everything smelling fresh and clean with very minimal effort.

Of course, the uses for vinegar don’t stop there! If your dog has itchy or irritated skin (which can also smell), apple cider vinegar can help heal it. Depending on the situation, you may need to apply the equal parts water and vinegar directly to the skin or mix it into your dog’s food.

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Keep Up with Your Pup’s Regular Grooming Schedule

Maintaining a clean home will definitely help you minimize pet odors, but you also need to maintain a clean dog. How often you bathe your dog will depend on his/her individual skin and health needs, but the general recommendation is to bathe a dog around once a month. Any more than that and you could actually end up drying out your dog’s skin unless more frequent bath sessions are recommended by your veterinarian. When you wash your dog, make sure you are using the right pet shampoo to address any skin and coat concerns.

As long as your dog does not have sensitive skin, you should be okay using some of the scented products on the provided list, but stick to fragrance-free oatmeal shampoos for more sensitive pets.

Finally, no pet odor control plan would be complete without some tricks to keep your dog clean in-between baths.

There are tons of wipes and sprays available to help clean your dog’s coat and freshen up odors when a bath is not an option. Try using these products and brushing your dog’s fur to keep dirt, dander, and shedding from making a mess of your home.

Work with Your Vet to Rule Out Any Skin or Health Issues

Some dogs tend to smell even with baths. Just like people, dogs tend to have their own distinct odor, and some of them just smell a little than others. Still, it’s always a good idea to voice your concerns to your vet so that you can have your dog checked for odor-producing health issues. One of the most common sources of unpleasant pet smells is inadequate oral health maintenance.

If you notice a foul smell coming from your dog’s mouth, this may be a sign of gingivitis, an oral infection, or tooth decay that needs to be addressed by your vet. Your pet may need antibiotics or surgical intervention in order to restore their mouths back to good health.

To keep your dog’s teeth clean and prevent bad breath, think about using dental chews and other oral care products in-between cleanings. There are even liquid and gel additives that can freshen your pet’s breath and keep those kisses smelling better.

Final Verdict 

Loving your dog does not mean living with unpleasant smells in your home. If you have a smelly dog, make sure you follow the above steps to keep your dog and home clean. In the process, you will also eliminate any allergens and bacteria that can make your family sick, so addressing those odors is always a good idea for everyone.

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